KLU Science Blog
Dear Community,
Welcome to the second Spotlight edition of our KLU Business Newsletter!
In this Spotlight, we turn our attention to our Science Blog. Since the start of the year, the blog offers a deep dive into KLU's cutting-edge research. All articles are written by our faculty members themselves. This newsletter highlights the latest articles – and that one about soccer, because we think you can still celebrate it – but there's much more to discover on the blog itself.
As a special highlight, we present the latest article entitled Virtual Worlds' Second Life and Dive by Prof. Andreas Kaplan. The KLU president explores the renewed media excitement around virtual worlds, comparing the hype surrounding Second Life's debut in 2003 with the Metaverse buzz initiated by Mark Zuckerberg in 2021. Learn why the next wave of enthusiasm for virtual worlds could potentially lead to a breakthrough in their adoption.
We enjoy keeping you up to date with the latest KLU topics on leadership rooted in logistics and look forward to your feedback on this issue and our "Spotlight" series. Write to us!
Why You Should Care About Management Research
Management Research
Torn between the latest leadership trends and gut instincts? It's time for an upgrade. Evidence-based management. Prof. Christian Troester on why you should trust the research. Learn more...
A World Without Doctors?
Future without doctors
What could the future of healthcare look like without doctors? Prof. Ivan Lugovoi takes a concrete look at the changes and innovations that could revolutionize our healthcare. Learn more...
Why I am more worried about the Future of the Adidas Brand than the Future of German Soccer
Adidas ball
In the run-up to the European Championship, the DFB was harshly criticized for its decision to work with Nike instead of Adidas in the future. Prof. Alexander Himme explains why he is much more concerned about Adidas than the DFB. Learn more...
What Are the Driving Forces Behind Organic Food Sales?
Organic food sales
Dr. Sarah Joseph has investigated which factors influence the market for organic food and why Green voters are not necessarily the first to choose organic products. Learn more...
What are your thoughts on virtual worlds, the future of healthcare - or even the future of Adidas? Discuss with us on LinkedIn.
How did you like the second edition of Spotlight? Write to us!
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