Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Presenting Student Affairs Spotlight: Your premier newsletter for staying updated on the latest campus developments and news.
In this issue
  • Moodle page & Diversity over Lunch event - Student Services
  • New Course Literature Overview Online & How to find ebooks - Library & Information Services
  • Entrepreneurship Certificate Class - Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center
  • Find confidential support - KLU Ombudspersons
  • KLU is joining the top 5% of the world’s best business schools! - Communications & Marketing
General news & dates for your diary
  • Opening hours library: Opening hours at the KLU Library is back to regular lecture period hours: Mo-Fr. 10 am – 06 pm, closed on public holidays.
  • Results Service Evaluation: Thank you to all of you for participating in this year’s service evaluation. Your satisfaction is our greatest reward and motivation. You can find the results on Moodle (see university life overview - students' feedback. Ensure you are logged in to access all the information).
  • Campus calendar: Small reminder - The campus calendar is your go-to resource for staying informed about all the exciting events and important academic and non-academic dates at KLU. It is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of campus happenings. Find more information here.
  • Business Graduates Association: KLU became a member of the BGA - Business Graduates Association. BGA offers a student and graduate (lifetime) membership. With this membership you can use comprehensive tools and services, including CV-building, job search tools or skill assessments.
  • Licence Key for Powerpoint plug-in think-cell: Key number: 78EXM-YMUBU-5RPYC-4DAQC-MHVDA. It is valid until 31/08/2025 and you can download think-cell for free here.
  • External offers:
    • Exclusive networking event : Attend the BVL Supply Chain CX with a limited number of full-access congress tickets on October 23rd and 24th in Berlin. Details can be found here (event will be in German language).
    • "Exploring Difference: Building Resilient Academic Institutions" : Event on October 22nd, at the Change Hub Berlin. Register here.
    • Join the LAV-Young Professionals Network: The LAV-Young Professsionals are a vibrant network and community of young professionals under 45. More information here.
Student Services
Newly redesigned Moodle page: Your guide to Student Services and campus life!
Attention all students! Our Moodle page under "for current students" has a fresh new look! It is your go-to spot for everything you need, from navigating bureaucratic issues like residence permits to finding out what’s on the mensa menu (because we all know food is a priority!). Whether you are a new or returning student, this revamped resource covers Hamburg must-sees, campus services, and everything you need to navigate life as a student inside and outside KLU. Stay informed - your student life just will get a whole lot easier! Please make sure you are logged in to access all the information.
Diversity over Lunch: Tackling Discrimination
Intercultural Certificate
What is discrimination & how do I recognize it? What can I do when I or my fellow students experience discrimination? What role does discrimination play in business? Enjoy a complimentary lunch and join our exclusive Diversity Training on September 13. Be fast, the number of places is limited and will be assigned on “first come, first served” basis. Please register here. This event is also part of our new Intercultural Competence Certificate!
Library and Information Services
New Course Literature Overview Online
Course Literature
Check out our new function “Course Reserves” directly in the library search engine. Click the tab Course Reserves and find an overview of all upcoming courses with the required material listed! Search for your courses or lecturers and access the materials directly online or find them in the campus library.
How to find ebooks in the Library Search Engine
Library Search Engine
You need to find ebooks for your course literature or other assignments? Check our tutorial to find ebooks in the KLU Library search engine and learn how to search especially for ebooks! You can find more tutorials with search tips on the KLU Youtube-Channel.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center
Infosession: Entrepreneurship Certificate Class
We are all entrepreneurs – if we want to be ones!
Being an entrepreneur is about disruptive thinking in a moment of hurdles and winning those stuck situations by coming up with innovative approaches to solve them – even in everyday life!
So unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and join us for the infosession on the Innovators League September 9th 4:15pm in KLU's Auditorium!
KLU Ombudspersons
Find confidential support: Your ombudspersons are here to help
Our KLU ombudspersons Prof. Henrik Leopold and Sophia Rauber are here to offer you confidential and compassionate support. Whether you are facing conflicts, challenges in your workplace or study environment, ethical concerns, or communication barriers, don't hesitate to reach out. They are here to help you navigate these issues with care and discretion!
Communications & Marketing
KLU is joining the top 5% of the world’s best business schools!
KLU recently earned the prestigious AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation, a top global standard for business education. This recognition confirms KLU's status as one of the world’s leading universities for Logistics and Supply Chain Management and ranks it among the best business schools and management universities worldwide. This achievement reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire community - faculty, staff and of course KLU students! Details can be found in this article.
Previous & next edition(s)
The next newsletter is scheduled for September 21. The current edition as well as previous ones are available here.
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