Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Welcome to your one-stop shop for all updates and information from KLU's student-related departments—your go-to source for everything you need to know!
In this issue
  • Invitation Charity Casino Night - Student Clubs
  • Career Connect - Career Services
  • Web of Science - Training & Book a Thesis Talk - Library and Information Services
General news & dates for your diary
  • Accommodation: A room in the student dormitory The Fizz has become available as of March. Find more information here.
  • Career Connect is happening this Thursday – already on 15.02.2024!
  • Exam week: The schedule for the Q1 exam week March 11-15, 2024 is now available in the Registrar’s Office section "Information on examinations" on Moodle. Please note the general resit will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024 - respective students will receive an email invitation with further details.
  • Service Desk: Sheila Franguere has recently joined us as the new Service Desk Officer at the ground floor Reception. Don't hesitate to drop by and extend a warm welcome to her next time you're passing by!
Student Clubs
Charity Casino Night | February 22 – 6 PM
Casino Night
Join us for an exciting night with games of poker, roulette, and blackjack and an opportunity to engage with the KLU community. Even if you don’t intend on playing, you are more than welcome to mingle and enjoy the snacks and drinks.
Date: Thursday, February 22
Time: 6 PM
Venue: KLU Lobby
Your participation will make a significant difference, and as all proceeds will go to charity, we would appreciate it if as many of you as possible show up.
Sign up here. Additional information can be found here.
We look forward to seeing you,
Nima & Laurids on behalf of the event committee
Career Services
Career Connect
Career Connect Feb 15
This Thursday, on February 15th, Career Connect will bring top companies in business and logistics to campus who are looking to recruit top KLU talent! This not only applies to direct entry roles, but to internships, working student, or thesis opportunities. Designed for the entire KLU community, you are automatically registered for this event, and we expect to see you in the foyer at 13:15, as at 13:30 we will already start the first part of the event – Company Slam!
More information is available here.
Library & Information Services
Web of Science - Training, Monday 12 February, 04:15 PM in lecture 4, 1st floor
Web of Science
Web of Science is a research platform with citations for more than 90 million peer-reviewed articles with bibliographical data, which makes it an excellent place to start your literature search. It links you to full text content and has helpful tools to search, track, measure and collaborate in all sciences, such as the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and the Social Sciences Index Expanded (SSIE). Expert trainers will present and answer your questions in this recommended session.
Book a Thesis Talk with us!
Thesis Talk
Getting ready for your thesis? Have questions on how best to start? Book a “Thesis Talk” with one of our librarians on how to set up the best search strategy for you and find relevant literature. Ask for an appointment at We can also do online meetings. Check our thesis services here.
Previous & next edition(s)
The next newsletter will be published on February 24. The current edition as well as previous ones are available here.
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