Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Presenting Student Affairs Spotlight: Your premier newsletter for staying updated on the latest campus developments and news.
In this issue
  • How to choose the right Master program & Tag der Logistik 2024 - Student Recruitment
  • The KLU Green Office wants to hear from you! - Green Office
  • DAAD Prize 2024 - Student Services
  • Summer School in Sustainability 2024 - International Office
General news & dates for your diary
  • Invitation Welcome@KLU - Immo & Jan: All students are welcome to join this introductory event from KLU's new directors. Besides some drinks and snacks, there will be also a keynote by Kathrin Haug on Future Skills. Please register here.
  • Win a mensa voucher: Take part in the KLU service evaluation by using your unique link. You could be one of the 10 lucky winners of a 30 euro voucher for the KLU mensa! We appreciate your valuable feedback!
  • Lost & Found: Please inquire at the service desk on the ground floor if you have misplaced any belongings.
  • Hochschulsport Hamburg: Give it a go and try out the wide range of offers in a trial week! Swimming, gym, courses such as kayaking, sailing, diving, dancing & more! More information here. (in German only, your fellow students may help you)
  • External offers:
    • insureNXT Ideation Challenge @ HanseMerkur with crossnative: Apply here for the pitch on April 16 in Hamburg.
    • 2024 Summer School for female leadership: Apply here and join the summer school in Warsaw, Poland in July!
Student Recruitment
Tips on how to choose the right Master program!
How to choose the right Master program
KLU Bachelor students, join our Open Day Pre-Session (6 April 2024 – this Saturday) with Sebastian Horndasch, journalist and author of the book "Master nach Plan" and prominent speaker at numerous career forums and fairs on the topic of study orientation and choice. Please also tell friends, who are on their master’s quest!
Tag der Logistik 2024 – Drum it Up for KLU
Tag der Logistik
On 18 April 2024, Germany's third-largest economic sector will once again show that logistics is more than just sprinters parked in the second row or supply bottlenecks for toilet paper. KLU has come up with an entertaining and exciting program! Please drum it up with friends and colleagues who might be interested in studying logistics at KLU.
Green Office
The KLU Green Office wants to hear from you!
Green Office
Throughout April, the KLU Green Office is collecting ideas about sustainability from the KLU community.
We want to hear about:
- Sustainability stories from the past
- Projects or research that is currently happening
- Suggestions for future sustainability work at KLU
Please share your stories and ideas with us using the KLU Idea box.
Student Services
DAAD prize 2024
DAAD Prize
For the sixth consecutive year, we are delighted to announce the opportunity to award the DAAD prize, accompanied by a prize of €1,000, to outstanding international students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance alongside notable social engagement or involvement in intercultural charity initiatives, both within and beyond the KLU community. Nominations for deserving students will be accepted from KLU professors and staff members until June 10th.
International Office
Summer School in Sustainability 2024
Summer School
Join our Summer School in Sustainability from July 1-19 on KLU campus and learn more about different aspects of Sustainability in interactive lectures, case studies, group work, and excursions. Tuition fees for KLU students are 500 euros, including beverages, lunches, and supporting program. Get more information on the summer school website or contact
Previous & next edition(s)
The next newsletter will be published on April 20. The current edition as well as previous ones are available here.
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