Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Welcome to your one-stop shop for all information from KLU's Student Affairs departments.
In this issue
  • Good news: Wissenschaftsrat awards KLU with ten year reaccreditation - Communications & Marketing
  • Hybrid Open Day & Boot Camp - Student Recruitment
  • Chess Tournament - Student Clubs
  • Stand against extremism - Student Services
  • Statista Database Training & Access to journals by Taylor & Francis - Library and Information Services
General news & dates for your diary
  • Explore culinary delights: Discover the KLU Mensa menu on this website. Kindly remember to participate in the Mensa survey using the unique link provided to you via email. We are looking forward to your feedback!
  • Kitchen access for students: Please note that kitchens on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors are for staff only. Please use the student lounge on the 2nd floor instead. Also (weekend) use of the bistro coffee machine on the 1st floor is not permitted - it is a cafe that is open for you during the week; it is not a self-service.
  • Digital semester ticket: Stay alert, students, for updates on the new digital semester ticket in the upcoming newsletter and through email communication in mid-February.
  • 3 exciting Student Recruitment events: Open Day 24.2- Boot Camp 20.3-22.3.- Tag der Logistik 16.4.
  • Advisupply workshop: KLU meets Grant Thornton on January 31, 5 PM. Register here.
  • External conference:
    • Join CSCM 2024: Europe’s largest student-organized supply-chain conference dealing with the logistics industry is taking place on February 8th at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. This year's topic: „Innovations in Digital Transformation, E-Commerce, Logistics and Lean Excellence“. Get your tickets here and use the code GUSTAV10 for 10% off!
Communications & Marketing
Good news: Wissenschaftsrat awards KLU with ten year reaccreditation
Recently, the German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat, WR) has awarded KLU with a ten year reaccreditation – and saw no need for subsequent evaluations following this term.
This is a major vote of confidence which is granted only rarely. In its evaluation, the WR especially underscored KLU’s work in education and research. In addition to the KLU faculty’s excellence in terms of research output, the university offers students an above-average percentage of professors and an excellent faculty-to-student ratio. President Andreas Kaplan: “[The reaccreditation] represents a trustworthy, external seal of approval for our student body. We’re very pleased about the reaccreditation. I wish to thank everyone involved for their excellent work.”
In Germany, all private universities must successfully complete at least one institutional accreditation process with the Wissenschaftsrat (WR). The WR thereby acts as an external quality assurance process, ensuring that private universities deliver sufficient academic performance. Find more information on KLU’s website.
Student Recruitment
Hybrid Open Day on February 24th!
Open Day
Do you know someone who may be interested in studying at KLU? Or maybe you would like to continue your studies here and would like some more info from our master’s students and the helpful KLU administration. If so, Open Day, which includes a Q&A panel from our students, a mock lecture and casual conversations over refreshments, is the place to be! Register here.
Register for our Boot Camp on Digitization in Logistics (March 20-22nd)
Boot Camp
We are offering a free 3-day workshop for bachelor’s students who are interested in predictive logistics and IBM technology. This workshop will give participants a taste of what it is like to study at KLU, as well as an opportunity to meet with experts from bonprix, IBM and other students with similar academic interests throughout the entire country. If you know someone who may be interested, let them know! More information can be found here.
Student Clubs
Chess Tournament
Chess Tournament
Sign up now for our upcoming Chess Tournament!
- Date: Monday, February 5th
- Time: 5 PM onwards
- Location: KLU Lobby
This tournament is open to both students and professors, catering to all skill levels from beginners to seasoned players. Whether you're a grandmaster or just enjoy a casual game, this is your chance to showcase your skill and win prizes. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. Sign up here. We hope to see you there. Feel free to reach out to the event committee if you have any questions.
Student Services
Stand against extremism - A call to unity
Call unity
You probably noticed that hundreds of thousands are currently mobilizing in Germany to protest against right-wing extremist tendencies. Take a moment to discuss these events with your fellow students and provide support for one another. Let's work together to promote a campus environment characterized by tolerance and solidarity. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. Contact Student Services, KLU’s Equality & Diversity Office, or Hanza Resources. Together, we stand against intolerance.
Library & Information Services
Statista – recommended Training 29 January, 04:15 PM in lecture 4, 1st floor
Need stats? Then learn how to use Statista. It is a major provider of statistics and information on topics from more than 170 industries and holds data and figures from many different areas, e.g. marketing, economy and politics, transportation, and logistics. KLU also has access to the e-commerce module. Expert trainers will present and answer your questions in this recommended session.
Access to 1.485 more journals by Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis
KLU Library has licensed the new "Social Science & Humanities Library" journal collection by the publisher "Taylor & Francis". This means full text access to 1.485 more journals in topics like Business Management & Economics, Geography, Planning, Urban & Environment and Psychology. Start browsing our new journals in the KLU Journal Viewer or in our Library Search Engine!
Previous & next edition(s)
The next newsletter will be published on February 10. The current edition as well as previous ones are available here.
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