Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Welcome to your one-stop shop for all information from KLU's Student Affairs departments.
In this issue
  • Reception Hamburg Town Hall - Student Services
  • Linking disruptions & Sneak Peek at the new Library Search Engine! - Library and Information Services
General news & dates for your diary
  • The new intake’s evaluation of this year’s Welcome Week is online and can be read on Moodle. Thank you to everybody who participated. We are happy about the positive reviews and remarks, and we will take aspects into consideration for next year’s Welcome Week!
  • Join usability study for new library search engine: Participate in our usability study for our new library search system to improve the website service and receive gifts and sweets as a token of gratitude. Reach out to for more information.
  • Library opening hours over the holidays:
    18-22.12: 10 AM - 6 PM (exam week)
    27-29.12: campus library is closed, but we can be reached via
    02-12.01.: 10 AM - 3 PM
    As of 15.01: 10 AM - 6 PM (lecture period)
Student Services
Invitation for international students of this year's intake
Hamburg Town Hall
Come celebrate with us on January 10th at 6 PM in the majestic Hamburg City Hall! Katharina Fegebank, the Second Mayor of Hamburg and Senator for Science, Research, Equality, and Districts, will be hosting a splendid reception.
This is an excellent opportunity to socialize with international students from various universities in Hamburg. Your presence as representatives of KLU is eagerly anticipated at this event, and we can't wait to celebrate together.
Make sure to secure your spot for this evening. We look forward to seeing you there!
Library & Information Services
New Library Search Engine – linking disruptions 12-13 December
Library Search
During the implementation you may experience linking disruptions, e. g. linking to e-resources from Google Scholar and search results. You will still have full text access, so save links to articles, etc. you need during those days already now.
Please also save search strings and search results from your library account, these cannot be migrated!
Sneak Peek at the new Library Search Engine!
Coffee lecture
Come by the Library on Tuesday, December 5th at 12:15 PM and grab a free coffee and biscuits!
Learn about the new design, features, and functions, ask your questions and give us your feedback!
Previous & next edition(s)
The next newsletter will be published on December 16. The current edition as well as previous ones are available here.
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