Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Presenting Student Affairs Spotlight: Your premier newsletter for staying updated on the latest campus developments and news.
In this issue
  • Message from KLU’s President - President's Office
  • Beat exam stress: Relaxation breaks & free snacks await! - Student Services
  • Reference Management Software & New Library Search Engine - Library & Information Services
General news & dates for your diary
  • Public holiday on Thursday: Next week, Thursday (May 09) marks a public holiday in Germany. Please note that all departments, incl. the Library will be closed, no services will be running. The public holiday is followed by a bridge day on Friday, during which the Student Info Point and Program Management will be closed as well. Please contact the Registrar's Office ( if you have any urgent exam-related questions.
  • Library opening hours: Please note the following special opening hours at the KLU Library for the end of the lecture period and upcoming months: Closed on public holidays (09 + 20. May 2024), 21. May – 30. August 2024: Mo-Fr. 10 AM – 03 PM, closed on 05-07. June 2024.
  • Good to know: The next newsletter will be the last one for this spring semester before Student Affairs Spotlight will go on summer break until the start of the fall semester in September.
  • Accommodation: We recently came across an offer which might be of interest to couples looking for a flat together. Please find it here.
President's Office
Message from KLU’s President
Dear KLU community,
As we approach the end of another term at KLU, I want to extend my sincerest congratulations to you all. Completing your final assessments is no small feat. Whether you ace every exam or encounter challenges along the way, know that your efforts are not in vain. Each experience, whether success or setback, contributes to your growth and development as leaders and individuals.
Summer internships offer a unique opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in real-world settings, gain practical experience, and further refine your skills. As KLU ambassadors, embrace these opportunities with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Approach each new challenge with curiosity and enthusiasm, knowing that every experience, no matter how small, has the potential to shape your future in profound ways. And remember to find time to have fun too.
Best of luck and enjoy the summer!
Student Services
Beat exam stress: Relaxation breaks & free snacks await!
Hanza Resources
Combat exam stress with relaxation!
Take breaks & reward yourselves during the exam period. Our partner, Hanza Resources, will organize study breaks on Monday & Wednesday during the exam week.
Don't miss out! Enjoy mental support and free snacks in the Student Lounge on the 2nd floor. Take a breather, you have earned it!
Library & Information Services
Get your references and citations sorted
Reference software
Struggling to keep your references together? Writing your thesis or an assignment and get lost with your citations? A Reference Management Software can help you collect and sort your references, you directly can cite while your write and easily create a bibliography. For more information contact or find info sessions on Moodle under the training section.
Start your literature search on the new Library Search Engine
New search engine
Look for thesis literature with the new search interface. It is more intuitive, incorporates literature from all KLU full text databases, and has improved access to e-books.
It also has smoother interplay with other Library platforms and links KLU e-resources directly e.g. on Google Scholar.
Previous & next edition(s)
The next newsletter will be published on May 18. The current edition as well as previous ones are available here.
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